Saturday, July 22, 2006

Moving to Curacao

Last year we sold everything we had, our furniture, our car, (not that we owned more than that) and took only importants things with us: our books, our pictures, sun blocker, bath suits, handbooks for the new software... And our courage.
Just before landing in Curacao, seeing the whole island from above, we felt a kind of claustrophobia, but it did not last longer. It was already raining in November, the vegetation was green and the air not so dry.
We havw first moved into a very small hotel, with a beautiful garden, but we decided to run away from the mosquitos and looked for an area close to the beach but free from plants.
By the way, it is not so bad with mosquitos as it seems to be, because Curacao is not tropical. As soon as the rain stops again, the mosquitos disappear.
In our new hotel, we met for the first time those wonderful and funny creatures, looking like pre-historical animals: the iguanas. Every morning they would come out of somewhere and just lay lazy in the sun... Like we all do...


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