Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fauna of Curacao

Animal encounters are always impressive. Birds like parakeets, some hawk species, troupials and canaries are easy to see (not always easy to film or photograph). Whiptail lizards are the most common reptilian. The females are brown-grey while the males have the head, legs and tail brightly turquoise blue. Iguanas can reach a length up to two meters. They use their camouflage after being discovered - if it does not work, they will run away and surprisingly they are able to move very fast. We have made this experience trying to film the iguana visiting our garden, but it did not wait for us to turn on the camera and zoom it. The same happened with the hawks. We watched the hawks hunting for about two hours, but it is not possible to be as fast with the camera as they are... Anyway it was nice to observe them flying and falling down from the sky over their prey.


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